Many guys think something like "yeah, pink, looks good... on girls!". That's right, but not the only truth. Actually, the pink oxford cloth button down shirt is a (Ivy-) classic that you may want to introduce to your wardrobe - in case you haven't already. So, before you go green on me, think the pink!
pink oxford cloth shirt
A brief history of color symbolism
The blue = boy, pink/red = girl formula is in a sense a modern and relativley new tradition. In fact, it used to be the other way around for a long time. Blue was the color of Mary, while red tones used to indicate power and wealth. That's all you need to know to smash anyone questioning your manliness when wearing pink.
Fabric is the key
Especially if you have never worn pink before, I'd suggest to first pick a cloth that isn't too fine and shiny. Oxford or pin point would be my suggestions. These have a nice grainy and rather dull structure, avoiding the danger of looking cheezy.
shades of pink
How to pair
Pink is not as easy to pair with other colors as (light-) blue, but it's also not too hard. Brown (from beige to chocolate) and grey tones are my favorites, (off-) white and blue are very nice, too, amongst others.